Monday, October 29, 2007
Shortly thereafter...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wandering in thought
On my way home at three this morning, I saw the nearly full moon over the Olympics. The weather has been clear the past day and half, so the moon lit up that part of the sky. It was so pretty and I drove really slowly to try and take it in. I would have gone for a walk around Greenlake if anybody was awake to go with me. Then I remembered the pack I'd been lusting after for months is in the back of my car and got this incredible urge to take off into the Cascades. My dad told a story about stashing Spam and some other food in a hollow tree there once. We all know Spam will survive the nuclear holocaust, so I figured I'd go try to find it.
As John Steinbeck said, "In Spanish there is a word for which I can't find a counterword in English. It is the verb vacilar, present participle vacilando. It does not mean vacillating at all. If one is vacilando, he is going somewhere but doesn't greatly care whether or not he gets there, although he has direction. My friend Jack Wagner has often, in Mexico, assumed this state of being. Let us say we wanted to walk in the streets of Mexico City but not at random. We would choose some article almost certain not to exist there and then diligently try to find it."
Exactly. I've met some of my best friends this way and lived some pretty fun stories. Now, where is that Spam?
Friday, October 19, 2007
After the first twelve hours, it's all a blur...
Let's peruse Google images, shall we? Exhibit one: chemical

Exhibit two: peel

Exhibit three: microderm (this one is fine)

Exhibit four: abrasion
Just kidding. Too gross. Skin *shudder*
I'm just sayin'...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Born in the wrong century
Who needs therapeutic free association when we have voicemail?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Under the weather
Hmm, now I need to post something less depressing. How about this? I don't know who painted it, but it's titled "Strangers with candy." I like it.

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Thoughts on a sunny day
So I felt awful last night and stayed home. I read on the couch and ate and drank and drifted in and out of sleep. Totally trippy.
Today, though, I woke up at noon and couldn't get back to sleep. A knock at the wrong door finally got me out of bed. As I sat on the porch in the sun, I felt less grouchy and while not physically much better I felt a little clearer in the head. I decided to take a leisurely ride down the BG trail because today was a beautiful Seattle day- sunny, warm-ish, colorful, and alive. I dragged myself down to Ballard and sat on the banks of the Lake Washington ship canal watching all the sailboats, kayaks, and motorboats heading to the locks. It was a nice mini vacation without a phone or any obligations. You know how when you're watching the sunrise you feel like you're in on a secret? I sort of felt that way today because I wasn't in bed where people would expect me to be. No, I don't think I'll ever get over the fact I'm working nights because I'm a day person with every fiber of my body.
As I sat there, not trusting my bike to not tumble over onto the rocks, I watched all the people on their boats and heard the bikers and runners up behind me. It was very peaceful. There were a few ducks that were hanging around too. One mallard swam up by my feet, looked right at me, and then started up with his throaty quack. I think he didn't like me there. As he swam away, he started flipping out. I mean, the thing started thrashing about and bobbing around in the water. I had to laugh out loud. He frantically swam a few feet and then stood up on a rock I hadn't noticed a few inches below the water. Balancing on one foot, he took the other and scratched the base of his neck. I didn't know ducks could contort like that! A few minutes later another duck hopped up on the rock for the same purpose. Funny, the ducks have an itching rock.
I started wondering if ducks flip out when they go through a spider web too, just like humans. That reminded me of Brian Regan's clip about spider web flipouts. I could only find part of the skit and in poor quality, but here you go:
Friday, October 12, 2007
Note to self
What concerns me more is the next time goo lands on my shoes, they will potentially absorb it, right? I mean, with no protective polish? Hmm, well moving on...
I need to stop with the overtime. It's putting a cramp in my style. My stonewashed clogs style.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I was filled with dread most days as I drove along Lake Shore Drive (LSD, hehehe) to The Hospital, but the drive was also very pretty in the summer with Lake Michigan and the beaches as the sun rose. During the evenings when I drove home, there were people flying brightly colored kites and running and playing volleyball. It was a welcome change from all the sickies at work. Ahh, the days of working, well, days.
My new drive home takes me on I-5 now. The commute doesn't seem to take any longer and is the same distance, but I have my concerns about driving I-5 anyway. However, today I could see the Olympics capped with snow to the west and the Cascades to the east spotted with rays of sunshine. The depth perception was neat and the sky is pretty clear. It's going to be a good day :)
I was thinking how much I'm loving all the fall colors and how i wish fall lasted longer when I saw... a palm tree. Since when do palm trees grow in Seattle?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
It's a jungle out there

Last night wasn't so great for reasons that won't be mentioned. I will say that it was Drew's last night, though, so that made me sad :(
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Crafty, eh?
Unfortunately, these cookies got a little smooshed on the trip home, but you get the idea.
Monday, October 8, 2007
And if all the other dog butts jumped, would you?
A dude brought over a hearse from the UK, refurbished it, painted it bright yellow, and drives it around. It gets better- he also bought a casket and painted it John Deere green and secured it in the back. On the passenger seat (our driver seat on this side of the pond), he stuck this creepy looking skeleton dude. I thought, well, maybe he's in the Halloween spirit and got it together early. But in the course of taking a photo, he stopped by and chatted with us; let me tell you, it was no Halloween stunt- he's just that weird. Also, since when does a hearse fit in a "compact" car spot?

In the way of merchandise, there was no shortage of amusing stuff either. For example, what are those things on this rug?? Seahorses with legs? Dragons? Roosters? Perhaps all three?

Personally, I'm a fan of this one- a mosh pit of dog butts. Yes, that's what I said. They're actually mountable so that their tails serve as leash hooks... but dog butts? I almost bought one :)

Sunday, October 7, 2007
There's more where those came from...
Hooray! There's a new Bravia commercial! I'm still partial to the bouncy balls, but this is great :)
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Team Hoyt
Ok if you don't even cry a little, I think you might need some help. It's nice to see things like this :)
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Midnight snack
On a side note, why do freezers never have lights in them? Does Maytag think midnight eaters don't go for the frozen stuff? Hear this Maytag: I eat frozen berries before bed at 3am! In the dark! No thanks to you!
Or, you know, something like that.