Feeling retarded enough after day three, it then took me
three tries to correctly decode the Google word verification on
a friend's new blog. For the record, I am extremely jealous of Lynnel! Go super nurse, go! Godspeed :)
Gazza is recovering well from the dog that bit through her lip on Friday. She got a few stitches and doesn't really seem to care. The beard and moustache we've been working on is a little uneven now, but it adds to her character. Yup, my dog has a fauxhawk and a
wopperjawed beard :)
Last night we stopped by a friend's place for a Sunday night BBQ. Actually, we stopped in for the BBQ
leftovers after work. Mmm-mmm good! Salmonburger, good company, French people... I love it :) Gazza played with the resident dog for a while. By "play" I mean they followed each other around barking at nothing in particular. Where did she find her voice, anyway?
Still needing to wind down, G and I walked our old circuit around home. I don't remember last time we walked it, but it couldn't have been past January. The houses had still been decorated with Christmas lights and decorations. I found those walks really relaxing but they made me a little wistful too. Since then, the houses have taken on a whole new feeling. There are more signs of life both outside and inside, and
the smell! If I could close my eyes and stroll along, I could easily imagine myself in some Parisian garden...
The route we walk is more or less a square, which is the best you'll get in a city like Seattle. Each side of it has distinctive home styles. I'm sure it's not done on purpose, but the experience is an interesting one. Starting off, the street is mostly old Seattle homes. I don't know how to describe them except for that they remind me of my grandmother's place. Turning south, that street is lined with more modern homes built on tiny lots. It's my favorite part of the walk because the houses are colorful and inviting, and then you end up at the top of a small hill overlooking downtown, Lake Union, and the
Montlake Cut. The view is especially beautiful at night. The cars going over the elevated University and I-5 bridges sound more remote than they are. It gives a welcome feeling of detachment from the rest of the city.
The longest stretch is on the BG Trail. I see mostly townhomes with what have to be great views overlooking the lake and city. Of course, I'm sure in places that small, you need a worthwhile view to change up the view of your roommate over whom you're surely stumbling over all the time. Anyway, on the way back up our hill, I noticed the gutter on the side of my house was draining. I can't for the life of me figure out why it's usually siphoning something out. Seattle is definitely a city of compartmentalized weather, but this is ridiculous! It can be a blue sky all day, and the water will still be draining! As far as I can tell, there aren't any sprinklers (or gardens, for that matter) up there, but it's driving me crazy. Yes, that's right. I'm going crazy because I can't figure out why the gutters are draining.
Lastly, it bears repeating- I heart
The Weepies. I just can't get enough of the new album!