I couldn't have said it better myself :)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Now THIS is my kind of communication!
"Well, I found a site that talks about tides, but I want one that talks about tides."
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Idle musing
First, let it be said that the signs of the zodiac are of no importance to me. That said, I do find them amusing to read. I've always wondered, though, when searching for mine in the paper (or magazines or whatever) why pisces is nearly always near the bottom of the list. I mean, as a late February sign, shouldn't it be one of the first two or three addressed?
"Stay upright for a while," Marc says...
I learned how to snowboard on Sunday! In fact, I made it down the mountain (falling mostly) in decent shape before going to the class!
...only, I didn't make it to class...
As I was standing there at the bottom talking with Carly, I lost my balance, landed on my behind, and cracked my wrist. Poor form, if I do say so myself. I was stunned to realize I had broken my wrist just standing there. I felt the crunch and had a markedly delayed onset of pain (though nearly immediate loss of finger function). After twenty minutes I was almost certain I had broken the radial head in my left arm. I had actually thought of doing another run before it really sank in what had happened!
I feel compelled to put in a plug for ski patrol at Steven's Pass here. No, I didn't get anything dramatic- I walked myself into the clinic. It's just that they were friendly, helpful, and efficient. Also, my splint consisted of cardboard measured out to the length of my forearm lined with quilting batting and held in place by masking tape. It was quite the look.
Anyway, Nearly four hours and 800 mg of ibuprofin later, the ER xray was ill defined and I was casted (in plaster this time) with a presumed fracture of a small wrist bone. Which is why I feel somewhat better having gone to the follow-up doctor today and discovering that it is indeed a non-displaced radial head fracture. As I sat there trying to describe how it felt, the doctor said, "you don't need to convince me- the fracture line is right here on the xray!"
I was hoping that if I had to be more permanently casted that I could pick a cool color like neon green or hot pink, but alas, it wasn't to be. Perhaps it's for the best though because I got a removable cast- who knew?? As I proclaimed how relieved I was that I'd be able to shower somewhat normally, they told me that sadly, I still have to wear it there and cover it up with a plastic bag old school style. I can only remove it for a couple minutes every few days to get the itches out, change the liner, and clean the thing off. It occurred to me that perhaps it's just as well. I mean, how awful would it be for the bone to displace while you're naked in the shower? Talk about adding insult to injury...
Anyway, this post is a public thank you to some people:
Katie, thank you for being in the right place at the right time! Seeing you standing in front of me in the ER waiting room when I opened my eyes was a huge relief. It's a good feeling to know a friend is not only with you, but helping out on the medical side. Sorry for the tears and vomiting of expired Gatorade- if I recall, vomit isn't your bodily fluid of choice :)
Erica, the food, helping out with The Beast and house stuff, and especially washing my hair and putting it up was great. Did I mention the food? Gene Juarez should hire you on :)
Everyone else, thanks for the offers of help (and taking me skiing in the first place!). I can't wait to go again, and I may yet take you up on those offers- this whole entirely one-handed thing is baffling and frustrating...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Maybe it's code for something
The question had crossed my mind before, why the nearby mall is called Northgate Mall. I mean, what gate? Cities haven't had gates in recent history, and as far as I know Seattle never had any. So then at Dick's the other day, I saw a van for Southgate Plumbing.
I've since come to the conclusion that Seattle is the Northwest's version of Sedona, what with its much talked about (but never seen) vortices. Only we call just call them "gates." I think my theory might explain a few other Seattle oddities as well!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
An ecureuil by any other name is... Frank
A while back a stuffed duck came into our lives. Gazza gave it a lukewarm welcome, occasionally chewing on it when I tossed it her way, but for the most part he sat in the corner, only marginally worse for the wear.

Last week when Katie stopped by, we threw the duck around for a bit and Gazza had fun going after it. Finally, he spilled his beans and was retired to the trash. Intrigued by her renewed interest in him, I picked up a stuffed squirrel for her at the store (I know, given her squirrel issues there were probably better options). Thinking I had avoided getting a squeaky toy, I tossed it to her and she toyed around with it for a while. Then I heard a squeak and a thump as she fell of the couch in surprise!
Now a short five days later, Frank has become an integral part of our lives. She carries him everywhere- to bed, outside for breaks, in the car, and anywhere else I'll let her! It's curious- she doesn't seem intent on devouring him but rather just treating him like her baby. "Where is Frank?" is met by frantic searching and then tail wagging as she prances around, only his tail hanging out of her mouth.

Huh, maybe she's not such a Beast after all ;)
Just a note
What strange weather Seattle has been having lately: snow storms, floods, and now this fog. I haven't seen fog like this in a very long time- it doesn't really burn off. I feel like the city is under a blanket, muffling the sounds and dimming the lights. Interestingly, it seems thickest on top of the hills and further north, not over the water and low-lying areas! I mean, it's foggy there to be sure (I couldn't see across Lake Union all day yesterday), but it's just even more so on the hills. Weird. Perfect weather for contemplation.
Still deep in thought out here. I guess I'm in the fog physically and metaphorically (though neither in a bad way). All is well.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I'll be back
I'm taking a blogging hiatus for an undetermined amount of time. This break is on purpose, not the I-am-busy-and-forgot-to-update kind. I suspect a few entries here and there might make it in, though.
There's a lot on my mind. Most of it's good, some of it's, well, just is. I didn't make this blog to be a place of deeper introspection- I don't feel like broadcasting that across cyberspace. I just find myself preoccupied and not wanting to update this thing. After fondue and game night at Erica's tonight, I spent some time at Gas Works with The Beast taking in the city view and gathering my thoughts.
So happy new year and we'll be seeing most of you around!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Thinking neither answer is a good one
My triceps hurt from moving a patient all night. Sadly, I'm not sure if this says more about the current state of my patient or my arms.
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