Saturday, November 24, 2007

While the California redwoods may not exactly be the backcountry...

The more civilized man becomes, the more he needs and craves a great background of forest wildness, to which he may return like a contrite prodigal from the husks of an artificial life.
Ellen Burns Sherman

Waiting for Jason's photos, but here are some of mine:

Elk... and lots of laughing :)

Walking to the ocean

A little smelly and still very wet from the eleven mile hike the day before!

It was really a great trip. It rained almost nonstop and we nearly hit an elk, but it was beautiful, fun, and relaxing. We had a few hours to clean up and snooze in Seattle before heading to our respective flights...

I spent less than twenty-four hours in Chicago before heading to Indiana, but I got to see a surprising amount of people. It was what I'd been hoping for- I only wish I'd had more time to see more people (ahem, Katie). Walking into the old apartment, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. A surprising amount of my stuff is still there, so I had this feeling that I've only been on a long trip and was coming back home. Nabeel and Jill are the best roommates you could ever hope to have, and it was so great to sit on the couch catching up and then later individually. I slept so peacefully that night.

Home in Indiana was also perfect. It had been nearly ten months since I'd seen any immediate family or been home. Families are never without drama on some scale, but this visit was still good. Rudy the Rocket Dog is full grown and a funny creature; he and Chuck provide endless entertainment. Thanksgiving dinner was especially good. Mmm, food. With any luck I'll make it back for Nicholas's graduation...

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