I feel like maybe I shouldn't end today's blog on such a grouchy note. But just know that I
am grumpy and frustrated. It brought to mind a particular
Calvin and Hobbes strip that I can't find, but in the process of finding the one below, I read through a bunch of others and feel much better now.

Time is going so fast! I don't know where exactly it's all going, but it's sure in a hurry. I made it through the run of seven work days, had a
great day off, and am now back to the grindstone.
I wish I could have frozen time on Saturday. Kyunga, Erica, Gazza, and I went to see the tulips up in Mt. Vernon. Grandma and I went last year, but
there were no tulips, so I was beginning to think it was all a scam, but they were actually blooming! It's a late year for the tulips because of the late snows, but the daffodils were out in force. We found several huge fields of the first blooms. Amazing! Also, it was really warm. I mean, high 70's/low 80's warm! I got a tan! I don't remember the last time my pasty white noodles even
saw the sun!

It's amazing to me that you can be so warm, standing amid fields of flowers and still look up to see snow covered mountains so close.
Mount Baker is still totally covered in snow, much to the delight of the skiiers. Afterwards, we took a drive to
Deception Pass. It was pretty crowded but still beautiful. I hope to make a lot of trips up that way this summer. Gazza loved swimming in the frigid water!

I wasn't ready to stay inside when I got home, so I called Katie. I'm not sure what it says about my current situation that our evening together was as close as I've come to a date in a while! I'd say that's what family is for, but... What I'm
trying to say is that we had a good time :) She and I met up at Golden Gardens to watch the sunset while the dogs ran around. Despite the whole of Seattle being at the beach, we managed to find a quiet spot. So pretty.

I realized as it suddenly got cold and dark that I was ravenous. We headed to Spud Fish and Chips on Greenlake for some awesome halibut and people watching :) Ahh, now that's what I call a good day!
the Weepies have a new album! I love, love, love them! Between listening to Deb Talan and reading Calvin and Hobbes, I'm going to bed in a much better mood...