Today was busy. While I know precious little in the grand scheme of medicine, I at least know some things at my old job. I'm totally out of my element in the new place. Want to know which one is me? I'm the one watching everything happen with a totally bewildered look on my face. Being new is rapidly getting old... I'm good. It's a hard transition, but I'm not alone and it's good. I figure if I keep telling myself that, I'll muddle through it and end up in one piece on the other side.
You know what's really good, though? Jess! And Steve! And they're coming to visit! Hooray!! Seriously, the world just got even better! We have four short days in May, and I'm excited beyond words :) And then I'm going home to see Nicholas graduate. I love that kid and am really excited to see him finish up school and head to college. Mom may not be so excited to have him leave the nest, but I think it's pretty cool. We're all growing up *sniff.* For some reason Nicholas's graduation seems like it will herald a new era in the family. That sounds dramatic, but that's how it feels. Dee is coming to stay with me for six weeks or so this summer, so I'm also looking forward to that. It'll be good to spend time with friends and family without being half asleep. Or even mostly asleep.

On a closing note, I heard this joke today and it made me laugh out loud:
Q: You know what's the worst part of getting a lung transplant?
A: The first few times you cough, the phlegm that comes not your own.
Hehe. Gross.
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