At Gem Lake it was so quiet you could hear the fish jumping halfway across and the birds calling as they swooped over the absolutely still, clear waters. I could watch the rocks I threw sink all the way to the bottom, their ripples continuing out of sight. I felt the stress leaving my body and I didn't want to go back. As you can see, Gazza pooped out and didn't want to go back either.

She finally caught on that she needs to either walk behind me or not too far ahead. The only time I had to clip her in was when we saw the ptarmagin crossing the trail. She didn't go after them, but I don't know that she wouldn't have, given the opportunity. I know she already has an affinity for porcupines and squirrels! We had a good time together, and the few people we did run into were all over her.
I was impressed at how quickly we were able to cover the eleven miles- we smoked the other hikers! Man. I needed today so badly :)
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