Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Still haven't solved the big mysteries though

I had taken a nap last week before a dentist appointment. Waking up shortly before I had to be there, I threw the dog a bone (literally) and skeedaddled out. A short time later, I was in the chair waiting for him in the little exam room. My mind still wasn't banging on all cylinders yet, so I lay there watching the fish mobile in the corner. I've always found them amusing, mobiles. I have to deconstruct them each time, trying to make sense of gravity's pull on each of the hanging pieces such that the whole thing stays in balance. It seems they are constantly in motion.

I think that's what lead to the following thoughts. The dentist's office was quiet for a few moments while people were occupied with whatever they were doing. As I lay there quietly watching the mobile, I was noticing its continued motion even when you'd think the air currents had stopped. For some reason, the idea of its continued motion after everyone goes home at night struck me as kind of... creepy. I couldn't explain to you why, exactly. Something about the mobile's movement in the absence of people just seems weird.

I think that realization surprised me. My theory is that we adapt to our surroundings (duh). In the city, motion is closely tied to people. Cities are driven by people and if you take them out, it seems to me that things should largely be... still. That stillness indicates alone-ness. But then place yourself outside of the city, away from people, and that changes. If you're ever out somewhere and sense complete stillness, then something is weird- or about to go badly. You are probably not alone.

I don't know. Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Stillness at the hospital makes me especially nervous. It's a sign that trouble is brewing somewhere.
