Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Couch hog as well

As I've mentioned (numerous times) before, The Beast always has be be near me. Sometimes when I'm up late at night or she knows I'll be leaving shortly, she not only has to be near me, but also has to be touching me. This way I'm sure to wake her up if I get up. More recently she's begun to stay on the couch when I move around at those late hours, and she even went to bed (on my pillow...) without me the other night! This is one of my favorite couch shots, though:

When I was getting a midnight snack, she must have been too tired to pad over to the kitchen and keep an eye on me. Instead she just peeked up over the back of the couch and rested her chin there until I came back. Baby steps...

Sadly, I haven't seen her nearly as often as either of us would like. Fortunately being back on twelve hour shifts is better. She sleeps all day with me, with the exception of running with Bob for a few hours, spends an hour or so with me getting ready for work, and then spends the night burrowed under the covers with either Katie and Ellie or Megan, Jeff, and Violet. I hear there are pictures soon to follow from the latter crowded bed! 

I sure miss her out here in Indiana. 

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