Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Home sweet home
Two towns out here have been in the news recently- Elkhart and South Bend, Indiana. I'm finding the experience of watching from a national perspective surreal because I've spent quite a bit of time in and around both. We lived in Michiana for about eight years, and my dad grew up in South Bend.
Elkhart is in the news because it currently has the highest unemployment rate in the nation (at 15.3%). As for South Bend, Notre Dame is in a tricky situation that's attracting attention.
I'll be honest, I'm not proud that these are the reasons I find myself saying, "yeah, I'm from there."
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Robins indicate spring, she says!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Here's an idea- using words on this blog
...instead of relying on pictures. The truth is my mind has been a bit scattered for the past few weeks. I thought it'd settle down more when I got here, but it hasn't. There's just a lot to think about.
Peleke is out of the country at the moment. I miss him, but it seems silly. I mean, if we had ever lived in the same state, let alone city (boarding school doesn't count here), it would be perfectly understandable. But we've never had that luxury. Our times together have been during trips, vacations really, to see each other. The rest of the time we've had email, instant messaging, phone, and more recently iChat. So our daily conversations have gone from three hours to thirty minutes on a sat phone, and it feels dramatic to say I miss him. But I do- I miss him.
So here we are Back Home Again in Indiana (I guess it's not "back" for The Beast, but at least it is for me). It's nice to be here during all this because I'm still trying to process everything. Sometimes I forget I'm more than just a brain and have to remind myself to do something with my body instead of just standing there thinking. It's all good changes, I'm just not sure how to, well, process. What is "processing" anyway? The most relevant definition I can find indicates that it means to handle by systematically organizing, recording, or making notations on something and then following up with appropriate action. I'm pretty sure that any way you cut it, relocating abruptly sans job three thousand miles away (with a stop in a completely different geographic region to get married) is a lot to process. I feel like my world just got turned on its head- but in a very cool way! So yeah, it's nice to be home :)
So now the challenge I have is creating a routine. It may not sound like much of a challenge to you, but it's something I battle with constantly. My sleep is out of whack, but at least I've started running again. Ran at least fifteen miles this week. While it's nothing to brag about, I'm still proud of myself. Plus the last two were six miles at a time to the local arboretum along some county roads with the dog. When I'm exploring running routes for the first time, I feel like I'm starting out on a little adventure because I can go in any direction for as far as my body will take me. It's a good feeling. And from the running perspective you see things that you wouldn't in the car.
For example, I drowned it out with music for the first mile, but then I realized I wasn't surrounded by silence but instead by birds singing- lots of them. And robins! I saw no fewer than ten robins on somebody's front lawn! If they had been any other bird than robins it would have been sort of creepy, but it was cute. I think they brainwash you when you're little with pictures of cute robins pulling worms out of the grass and equate it with spring- who doesn't love that? And then I started paying more attention- except to the roadkill. I avoid looking at those if I can. Seriously though, that's the hallmark sign of spring here in the Midwest- roadkill. As long as I don't think too much about it (the cute woodland creatures being smooshed), it's kind of funny.
Evidence of the non-smooshed kind was in abundance at the arboretum. There's a winding driveway of sorts from the county road to the visitors center that has streams in the woods on either side. Jogging down the initial dip in the drive, I noticed muddy hoof prints crossing. Deer? And further down I saw muddy hand-like prints. Raccoon? Then there were muddy prints of a smaller kind. Whatever it was definitely scurried. Mink maybe? It wasn't until I had nearly run past him that I noticed a squirrel watching me from a roadside leaf pile. He must have been contemplating the prints too, and I made a mental note to ask him what he thought on my way back out.
It had been nearly three months to the day since I was last at the arboretum. You'd hardly recognize it with all the flowers peeking out and trees turning colors with their buds. Peleke and I were there in late December when it was about five degrees out and everything was covered in a thick coat of ice. We came to make s'mores and spent hours that short winter afternoon alternating sides by the outdoor fireplace. One side would get blistering hot from the fire while the exposed side froze. It was tricky.
Peleke and I didn't date each other, and we've never actually been on a date. That snowy afternoon at the arboretum was the closest we came, though. I wasn't sure how he was feeling, but I was quickly realizing where I wanted to stand in his eyes. I loved how the conversations ebbed and flowed and how easy it was to laugh with him. As we got ready to leave and hugged, I tried to freeze frame (ha, no pun intended) the moment. I wish everybody could experience that, and it's one of the things I'm looking forward to most. The fireplace is surrounded by springtime now.
Leaving there this morning on the homeward leg, I felt his absence even more. Yeah, I miss him.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Blown away!
The Beast and I spent a chilly morning at the Dunes. A whopping forty-five degrees in Valpo, it was forty at the Dunes (according to my car). But the wind! The wind was coming down the length of Lake Michigan from Canada. It was cold. Cold enough that even Gazza refused to swim in the water. And remember, this is the dog that swims in Lake Washington in the middle of winter!

We still had fun though. She really likes the sand (a big relief) and would run in the surf every once in a while. A few fun photos:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spurred by a radio commercial
It strikes me as odd that "exclusive" is almost synonymous with "luxurious" in the vernacular. Even if it doesn't seem that way to you, does it make any less odd the fact that they're advertising active exclusion of people? I get the appeal (indeed, necessity) of exclusion in certain circumstances, but it's not something we're trained to believe is socially acceptable and condoned.
Just a passing thought is all.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Last week was gorgeous. On one particularly nice evening, The Beast and I headed to the dunes. She loves running through the woods (hellooooo ticks!), and I was happy to see that she didn't mind the sand (since it'll be a big part of our lives for the next four years).
We had seen big lumps of ice left over from the winter ice shelves just a few days prior, and I was surprised to see that they'd melted already. The ice debris and remaining moisture created a layer of harder sand in areas where the sand is usually very loose, perfect for writing on. So towards one end of the beach, we ran into a section where people had written all sorts of messages, ditties, and names. My favorite was this one: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And spiders." I doubt even FDR would object, or at least not too much.
And Peleke? We miss you... or at least I do.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Aviation 101
Flying has been a part of our family for years (indeed, for generations), and it appears that will continue with Peleke and me. Consequently, The Beast is being introduced to the lifestyle as well. She loves the hangar because it means playing ball, treats, and things to explore, and she's also getting plane experience. She hasn't shown much interest in the cub, but she doesn't seem bothered by it either.

The Bonanza, however, is a different story. She was thrown headlong into the experience with a night flight from Rapid City, IA, to Valpo. I don't think she got that we were moving anywhere (let alone even off the ground) because she kept staring at the door and out the dark windows, shooting me questioning looks. The noise was disconcerting, and she kept close to my feet, but she was consolable and overall did well.

Clearly it'll take more time to be completely comfortable...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Real life foreshadowing
There was an old store here in Valpo that we'd frequently drive by. I'd actually been inside it once or twice and was sort of hoping to go a few more times because it was such a fascinating place to wander in. It closed in early 2008, though, and the building still stands (it's been there since 1915 after all!). So for over a year we've driven by the abandoned Fetla's Trading Post, watching it fall further into disrepair. There are three things that catch your eye on Fetla's property: the old military looking store itself, what looks like an old stable to the side of the parking lot, and an ancient blue and white wooden fishing boat with "Fetla's" painted on the side.
The boat has been on a trailer, stern to the road, for as long as I can remember, but I'm not sure why. Anybody with a lick of sense would know that the thing isn't going anywhere except for the termite mound! People don't seem to really talk about it, but I think it's because it's one of those things in a community that's accepted as a permanent fixture- like the Frost Top sign by the highway. As my parents, brother, and I were driving by the other evening, though, we all commented on the boat- how much it would sell for (if anybody would buy it) and its potential place in the roadside collections of Americana memorabilia.
Not twenty-four hours later the boat was gone. Eyesore though it may have been... I'll miss it.
T minus 70 days
Friday, March 20, 2009
Settling in
The Beast is doing really well in this transitional phase. We introduced her to Chuck'n'Rudy outside playing ball, and it was pretty uneventful. Chuck chased her around the field and she played with him a while. Rudy doesn't really care one way or the other as long as he gets to chase the ball. They more or less play alongside of each other, letting the dog closest to the ball bring it in without any fights. She gets a little snarky with Chuck'n'Rudy sometimes, but overall she's pretty tolerant of them and enjoys their company I think. She's picking up their barking habits, though.
Already a defensive barker where I'm concerned (actually a comforting thought when it's just her and me), she sometimes barks when somebody comes into a room. When the boys go nuts at the front door, she's taken to barking along with them too. I've noticed, though, that while they are pawing at the door or focused on something outside, Gazza stands there barking at the ceiling or nothing in particular. I don't think she really gets what they're barking at, she just wants to join the cacophony. Power of the pack, I guess.
Also, we've been sleeping in the downstairs bed, and The Beast's bed hogging tendencies have gotten seriously out of control. I find myself squished over to one side or even sleeping diagonally on the bed to accommodate her. Once Peleke joins us, she'll be hogging the floor, but what with all the recent changes I haven't told her yet. Beast, enjoy this while you can!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Road trippin' with The Beast
Total distance from Seattle to Valparaiso: 2232 miles

Total time: four days
The Beast did great on the trip- between roadside stops (with some stretching, Chuckit-ing, and treats), she slept or sat looking out the window quietly from her nest in the back. For a little while, though, she stayed in the back seat with me. After some mutual pushing and shoving, this was the end arrangement:
Until Iowa there was varying amounts of snow at the stops. I forgot how much she loves playing in it. The last break had a pile from the parking lot plowing. After chasing the ball in relatively warm weather, she ran towards the mound, splayed out on top, and started eating it (yum- antifreeze and winter grime!). Funny beast, this dog o' mine...

Overall no complaints, though. She's a good traveler.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Addie was here
There's a dog, Addie, at Magnuson who for some reason had a crush on The Beast. When she'd catch sight of us from across the park, she'd make a beeline and pounce on Gazza. Although Gazza acted aloof and sometimes even mildly annoyed by Addie, I know she actually loved it. Addie's family is really pleasant to spend a few hours with at the park too. They just had a baby who sleeps, well, like a baby when they push her around in the stroller over the dog park gravel, wood chips, and rocky beach. On our last day there, they were also enjoying the sunshine. In her own doggy way, Addie gave me a goodbye present:
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dogs in space
So we made it to Indiana, and the past two days have been beautiful. More to come later, but for now I leave you with this hilarious video:
The Beast says she can relate after these few days...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
This past Tuesday was my last time at the small group I've been in. While I go to church on the Eastside (a great church for anybody who is looking), I've been going to a small group for bible study and fellowship through a church over on the Seattle side. I'm not really sure what to say except that they are a group with a heart for God and the world. I'll miss them a lot.

Friday, March 6, 2009
"I didn't know it was against the law to chop down a parking meter with a chainsaw and throw it in the back of a pickup truck"
Heh, to quote a childhood friend, I can't believe I remember this. What other things are hardwired into my brain??
I was personally always a big fan of the Mathnet and Mathman segments. Ah Square One, how I miss you!
Ohhh, and let's not forget "Nine nine nine- crazy number nine!"
Thursday, March 5, 2009
At least I finally saw Sleepless in Seattle last week!
So it looks like I'll be up and out of the Emerald City shortly. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I'll admit I'm a bit surprised at how difficult I'm finding it to wrap my mind around the idea. I didn't expect it to be so soon, and I am finally beginning to feel at home here (home in the sense of a social group of some form).
I was telling someone the other night (well, let's be honest here... usually "someone" refers to Peleke nowadays) that my roots here are deeper, or at least broader, than I realized. Not that I was taking friends for granted, in fact quite the opposite. It's just that it took so long to get established and find friends here that it was quite subtle. Now, going through the process of pulling up anchor, I find myself connected in more ways than I'd appreciated*. I guess it's true- sometimes you really don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. (Not that I'm regretting this big change at all, mind you, it's just I'm learning things about myself and Seattle that I find interesting. I'm very excited to experience this with Peleke and The Beast in the future!)
Also, I was gathering emails for the evite to my going away dinner the other night** and grouped people by how I'd met them to keep it straight- FPCB, BCC, work #1, work #2, and other. Boy was "other" a random assortment! Some were from mutual friends (the primary way to do it here in Seattle apparently), the dog park, soccer, running, coffee shops, housing searches, strangers met on planes... funny, this Seattle life!
*Only tangentially related- a resident the other day in rounds talked about how she "didn't appreciate the previously noted heart murmur." Now to clarify, that is correct usage of the word in medicalese... which is why I found the use of finger quotations when she said it perplexing. Odd, that's all.
**Email me if I missed you- it wasn't on purpose!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Ahh the teen years...
The Beast is not a big fan of Peleke yet. I'm sure she'll come around, but for the moment he's only good for lobbing the ball, as far as she's concerned. I was surprised and disappointed to see the attitude she gave while he was here in Seattle. She tried to ignore me and acted all put out. And she gave him the stink eye nearly the entire time (except for the aforementioned ball Chuckit-ing, during which time she couldn't get enough of him) and would cower and flinch when he came near! But let me be very clear here: this is completely her trying to play me and gain sympathy- he is great with The Beast. Which means? She's jealous and trying to get attention and coddling however she can!
Smart dog but she isn't going to win this battle- he's here to stay. Or rather, we'll be there to stay... Like I said, I'm confident she'll come around, but in the meantime it's kind of amusing to see her throw this fit. Does that make me a bad owner?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy 30th Mom and Dad!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Make sure you're not drinking anything first
And here I was thinking The Beast's dreams were vivid and cracking me up...
Too funny!
Pronunciation: Pel-ay-kay
Function: fiance
Etymology: Hoosier by birth, Hawaiian by name
Date: March 1, 2009
1: peaceful ruler
2: our newest addition
Synonymes see: fellow Calvin & Hobbes fan, fellow Paperboys fan, fellow Hoosier, fellow introvert, fellow... well, the best fellow you can get!
Pronunciation: Pel-ay-kay
Function: fiance
Etymology: Hoosier by birth, Hawaiian by name
Date: March 1, 2009
1: peaceful ruler
2: our newest addition
Synonymes see: fellow Calvin & Hobbes fan, fellow Paperboys fan, fellow Hoosier, fellow introvert, fellow... well, the best fellow you can get!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The end and the beginning
Today was supposed to be my last day at work. Unfortunately, Friday was my first day back since breaking my wrist... and also the last. My wrist is clearly not ready for work type lifting, moving, etc. I'd been off any pain meds for a week prior, and now I'm back to taking them after working that day.
No job in the new place yet. It's a bit disconcerting to be leaving a city without a solid job lined up. Here's to getting out of the ol' comfort zone I guess! And so the new adventure begins...
Ready, set, go! :)
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