Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Forget nails on a chalkboard (never really bothered me much anyway)- try scraping your teeth on the seed of an avocado.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub!

Is it us or does the amount of food in a household go up exponentially with each additional person? I suppose over time we'll figure out how much of what to get (and how often), but from the amount of milk, bread, yogurt, fruit, and meat we are getting, you'd think that's all we eat.

Which may not be too far from the truth, come to think of it...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Spreading the germs, I mean love

I was preemptively a little bummed to get married because some bachelorette things would have to change. For example, I would often leave a bowl, spoon, plate, and knife by the sink. Rather than get a new one out each time for cereal or toast, I'd just rinse them when I was done and reuse them a few times. Saves on water and energy, you know? Besides, it's only my germs. So you can imagine my delight when Peleke said he did the same thing and let's just continue. Hooray!

The issue of drinking from the milk/juice container hasn't come up yet. I'm not sure how I feel about that, backwash and all (mostly mine).

In other news, more big happenings! If you're on Facebook, you might have already read. For the rest of you, I'll share when dates have been set :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

next I'll be hanging my head out the car window!

In keeping with the caged animal theme (see prior post), I've noticed some things about our a/c. First- it works. Hey, that's pretty noticeable and awesome! Second- there's an audible click when it turns off and on. On quiet nights you can hear it from upstairs.

How does this relate to animals? Because I'm now a textbook example of Pavlov's dog. When I hear the click, I perk up a little bit in anticipation of that cool, refreshing, recirculated air.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ok so maybe it's not SO bad here

I had a case of cabin fever last week. Maybe I should call it "beach house fever" since we're living in spring break central. But whatever you call it, the only times I'd been outside are to dash into the house, car, or some air conditioned building. Sunday night gave us a treat, though. As we were driving home over the local island, I rolled down the window for a moment. Instead of being blasted by hot, humid air, instead it was pleasantly warm and breezy.

Stop the car! Stop the car! Let's walk on the beach!!

And so we did. We walked into a beautiful sunset with our feet in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico while crabs scuttled across the white sand beach.

Ahhhhhhh :)


Well, last Saturday marked our two week anniversary! No, I promise we're not going to be that couple. You know, the one who celebrates all the arbitrary anniversaries of when they got married, when the first fight was, when the first person decided that Everyone Poops (even spouses!) so why migrate to the downstairs bathroom? Oh, TMI? My bad. Anyway, I just mention it because when else will we be able to say we've been married only a couple weeks and be absolutely correct ("couple" generally implying "two"). Yes, I take a certain satisfaction in that. I suspect Peleke appreciates it too.

So here we are in the hitherto unnamed land of heat and humidity. Actually, it will continue to be unidentified until a suitable name makes itself known. I thought about dubbing it "The Swampy Sauna" but decided that sounds rather negative. Plus it's too long to type out every time (and SS has a decidedly negative connotation).

Of note here, The Beast is on an indefinite vacation at home in Indiana with my parents and brother. Given the chaos of the present and upcoming months, we decided staying put would be better for her. Besides, The Rudy School of Dog hasn't finished with her yet. She ate a loaf of bread and stick of butter off the counter a few days ago. Next lesson? How to get the trashcan out of the cupboard. Stay tuned!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A cause for celebration

It was hot when we rolled the Penske truck into town late last Thursday afternoon. We decided to go ahead and attempt to unload everything then, rather than get tired and sweaty again on Friday. Surprisingly it worked! More surprisingly, there were no wounds to show for the heroic effort. But it was still work- emptying the contents of a twenty-six foot moving van (couches, grills, chairs, tables, boxes...) up an outside flight of stairs on a summer Florida afternoon doesn't rank highly on my list.

Anyway, that night amid all the mountains of boxes and furniture shoved against the walls, we heard what sounded like fireworks. Walking onto the deck* we saw that it was, in fact, fireworks! We stood out there enjoying them until the end. They really went all out in the show, but we couldn't figure out what the occasion was. In the end we decided that the town was having a welcome home party for us.

So I was a little saddened to learn tonight, after noticing a similar fireworks show, that they do it every Thursday night in the summer. Don't tell, but I'm just going to enjoy the brats (cooked on the stove this time!) and pretend tonight's were for our one week anniversary :)

*the deck wraps around three quarters of the house!

PSA (the second)

Got an email from the vet today in Seattle. It appears that Seattle is no longer the national haven from heartworms. Shame.

Plane goes.... BOOM!

As I was moving things around inside the other day, I heard a deep roar (sort of like long thunder roll) and the house started shaking. Looking out the window, nothing immediately jumped out at me, but then it happened again only louder. I ran out to the deck, blasted by the steamy outside afternoon, and then watched four more jets* fly u-turns right over our house.

Now I know we're located next to the little municipal airport because we get to watch (and hear) the good ol' boys with their plane toys (old war planes) on the weekends. It's kind of amusing to watch, actually, and Peleke always comments about their poor formation and such.

What you may not know, dear readers, is that we are also not far from several large military bases, each of which has big scary aircraft** out and about. They all fly up and down the coast, so we get an airshow virtually every day. It's pretty cool! And loud.

*as far as I'm concerned aircraft are classified as the following: general aviation plane, sport plane, airline plane, helicopter, hybrid, jet, and... crashed. That is as specific as I get! Sorry Dad. Sorry Peleke.

**by which I mean I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of one of them in a bad mood!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

He can fly!

It's no big secret that I find it so frustrating to watch people abuse their bodies and then act surprised when they fail (why do you think you had an MI??). It also shouldn't be a secret how happy it makes me to see people exercising- be it walking around Greenlake or working out in the gym (though I fail to understand why on earth people like going to gyms when outside is a viable option).

This is to say that I find this type of thing amazing. Just think of what we humans are capable of!!

Nuts, I tell you! Amazingly nuts!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Aside from the fact that going pantless is generally frowned upon

My car says it's 107 degrees outside and you ask me why I have jeans on?

First, although it feels like 107, my brain assures me that it's not. It's only eighty-seven degrees with 68% humidity.

Second, it's much too uncomfortable to be outside for any length of time (for me anyway). So all I need to do is make it to the car and back without melting (excluding the time it takes for the a/c to work... not actually too long). People compensate for the heat and humidity by cranking down the indoor temps, so I prefer to avoid the chills indoors. Yes, that means I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt while carrying a sweatshirt in all this heat.

And that, Mr. Nosey pants is why I have pants on!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Now all I need is a dust cloud

These two little fruit flies circling are making me feel embarrassingly like Pig-Pen.

When Peleke started swatting at his own entourage, we tried to remember how that old nursery song went about the old woman who swallowed a fly. I was disappointed to learn that the fly chaser was a spider. I suggested Peleke go get the spider from the top of the bedroom door frame.

He said no.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Anybody still even reading this thing?

Well here we are. I've been gone from this so long that I hardly know where to start. In fact, it feels a bit overwhelming, trying to figure out where to pick back up (so if you have suggestions, please feel free! Stories? Musings?). I learned something this morning at church, though, that may be worth passing along. Words of wisdom: don't try to hold in a cough- you'll vagel.

Which leads me to update number one- I'm sick. My mom said something about a wedding, foreign honeymoon, and cross-country move to this hot and humid climate in rapid succession possibly contributing to it. She might be right on this one... Poor Peleke. However, in my defense, I got it from him to begin with. I think. We're in that initial state of building up immunity to each others' cooties and all. So it's sort of like germie ping pong in our household (such as it is) right now. Y'all come down and visit soon! 

I've thought about how much to write on here about the wedding and honeymoon as well as what sorts of pictures to put up. The latter isn't an issue quite yet because I don't even have any of the pictures (must steal from Peleke's computer), but when I get them, I think most will go on Facebook. Because Facebook is soooo much safer for personal information... But fear not, non-Facebookers! I'll post a few here too. Call or email me if you feel left out (but only if I know you- no internet creepies!).

As for the stories? Well, there are too many to even begin writing down like this. But I'll start trying.