Thursday, June 18, 2009

Plane goes.... BOOM!

As I was moving things around inside the other day, I heard a deep roar (sort of like long thunder roll) and the house started shaking. Looking out the window, nothing immediately jumped out at me, but then it happened again only louder. I ran out to the deck, blasted by the steamy outside afternoon, and then watched four more jets* fly u-turns right over our house.

Now I know we're located next to the little municipal airport because we get to watch (and hear) the good ol' boys with their plane toys (old war planes) on the weekends. It's kind of amusing to watch, actually, and Peleke always comments about their poor formation and such.

What you may not know, dear readers, is that we are also not far from several large military bases, each of which has big scary aircraft** out and about. They all fly up and down the coast, so we get an airshow virtually every day. It's pretty cool! And loud.

*as far as I'm concerned aircraft are classified as the following: general aviation plane, sport plane, airline plane, helicopter, hybrid, jet, and... crashed. That is as specific as I get! Sorry Dad. Sorry Peleke.

**by which I mean I sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of one of them in a bad mood!

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