"They" said the first two weeks are the hardest and to just make your way through them before worrying about it all too seriously. And they are right. And then you go and throw your back out for no good reason.
I'd say that it's not so bad, but given that I passed out from the pain and now have (literally) cabin fever, that would be a lie. The thing is, though, I know it'll pass, the worst is over, and it could be much worse. I thought back injuries like this only happened to fifty year old men, not twenty-eight year old women who play ultimate frisbee and run with their dogs. The good news is that I have age (or lack thereof) on my side and seem to be healing quickly. I don't exactly know what I'm healing from (slipped disk? muscle injury? fracture?), but regardless of what a scanner would show, the treatment would remain the same- rest, drugs, and time.
And so here I am watching hours of Lost, reading books ad nauseum, and appreciating friends with food and company and roommates with tinfoil ears. What more could an invalid hope for?
Oh right, walking. It'll come.
oh no, sorry to hear that your back is out. I hope that you heal quickly!