Monday, July 25, 2011

More awkwardness

It took me a stretch of years to feel comfortable or polite calling adults by their first names. Now, well past the quasi-adult stage, there are still times where I feel uncertain. I try to err on the side of caution, but even that can be a bit tricky. Some people are just sensitive about their age.

Having mostly mastered that awkwardness, I find myself in another strange spot. I've been noticing a trend of more older people (meaning, ones you'd expect to be retired) in the workforce. I suppose it's no surprise. There are a number of people "forced out of retirement" with current state of national affairs. I find it to be a strange interaction, though, because on the one hand they're doing you a paid service, but on the other hand, well, it's Grandma, you know?

Shopping is the hardest and the Commissary is the worst. Shouldn't we be carrying Grandma's grocery bags to the car and not the other way around? The majority of baggers are older folks working only for tips. As we walk out of the air conditioning into the sweltering Redneck Riviera heat, I feel downright shame for walking casually alongside Grandma or Grandpa as (s)he pushes my load of groceries to the car with arthritic knuckles, a gently stooped back, and a slow gait. It's a no-win situation. I mean, if I don't use them, they don't make money (they sure aren't doing it for kicks). If I do use them, it feels disrespectful, especially when it's a heavy load.

It feels wrong. Unlike reaching the age at which you can address most people on a first name basis, I think this is different.

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