Gucci is pretty focused and smart. They say dogs can't plan multiple steps ahead, but "they" haven't met my dog. Mostly she uses it to get into mischief. One night when she was being watched at a friend's place, he came home to find Gucci had gotten into the pantry and liberated the bag of cat food from the top shelf. Not only that, but she was dropping down other items of food to his dog as he walked in. This is not to say she's not distractible, just that Gucci will make her own fun.
Pumba is a different story all together. Object permanence is a little too complex for him. Consequently, he's pretty easily amused. When I ride the stationary bike we have at home, he likes to sit by the pedals and watch them go round and round. Of course, this is after he finally stopped standing in front of the pedals and getting klunked in the head each time the peddle came down. He's since found less hazardous pastimes.
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