Have you had enough of the goring yet? Yeah, me too. So here we go with a new post (but only because KT asked nicely).
I went home this past week to see Nicholas graduate high school. It was a fun trip and he looks really good. He's got a cool group of friends :) And then Katie drove all the way to Valpo from Chicago to see me! Hooray!!
My life in Chicago seems like a lifetime ago, but every time I go back I find myself just as in love with the city as before. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess. Wonder if I'll ever move back. While I miss my friends so much, I know things change. But I still love even just the city and think I would enjoy moving back and building off of what would be left. The problem is that I'd be living on the street, of course, because the cost of living is so ridiculously high and I don't think I could bring myself to take a nursing position there. So there is that. But maybe I'll just save up vacation time and spend a summer there couch crashing...
The Chuckster back home was his usual noisy self. His poor little legs are so twisted that he's turning into a house dog, but he doesn't seem to mind. We are talking about bringing him here to Seattle in the fall for Gazza. I bet they'd love each other, but we'll see.
Rudy needs a complementary spazz. He's such a goofy dog. Sometimes I think he's the most normal dog we've ever had because he
acts like a dog, but other times he proves himself a total canine moron. Case in point: he tried to roll in me when I plopped down on the floor. Uh, dog? You roll in goose poop and smelly things, not
people. Unless he was trying to tell me something? And then he went totally submissive on top of me. Belly up is submissive, yes, but I think you have to be on the ground, not
on the person you're submitting
to. But what do I know? I'm just a human.
Also? I'm getting my second Scrabulous wind on Facebook. Bring it on!