Saturday, July 18, 2009

Closet raid

Still packing. I decided to take a bigger bag, but I guess that's not saying much. It's so hard to know what to bring! Benin's weather seem to be consistently warm, but I'm uncertain how cool they keep the ship (yours truly is perpetually cold). The dress code doesn't allow for spaghetti strap tank tops, so that eliminates most of my summer wear. I'm a little surprised at this part of the dress code actually, although I realize you have to draw the line somewhere. I don't want to bring many t-shirts and I don't think I'll need many long sleeved shirts. As for pants, I'm going to go for a record and go 100 days without jeans- wow! I figure it'll be mostly shorts and skirts.

As I'm going through my clothes, I'm realizing again how much more cold weather stuff I have than warm weather clothes. I find myself trying to wear them here too out of habit. Who knew dressing a certain way is so engrained in us? Anyway, still struggling with what clothes to pack. Suggestions would be warmly welcomed (pun definitely intended).


  1. I think you might just want to bring ONE pair of jeans. Just to be on the safe side. And not spaghetti straps? How about strapless! HAHAH

  2. You will want to bring a sweat shirt because the a/c keeps most of the ship quite cool.
    A fellow Mercy Shipper:)
