Anyway, I'm working on getting back to this blog. One of Dr. Leap's recent posts expressed what I often felt when I worked nights, especially number seven! But night shifts for blog posts isn't worth it in my book. Or blog :)
Inane item number one- something I've often contemplated. Why do some people who are otherwise civil and follow social decorum at, say, the supermarket, act like jerks in traffic? They wouldn't rudely cut in front of you with their cart in a long checkout line, yet they rudely cut you off in traffic. It's just strange.
This next thing is totally unrelated to the point of the billboard in question, just something about the design of the ad that I find amusing (let it be known that I'm an equal opportunity tattletale about this sort of thing). There are some pro-life billboards around here that have a chubby little baby sitting down proclaiming "my heart starts beating at 18 days" with an EKG tracing running the bottom length of the sign. Upon first glance, my thought was, "not for long like that, it's not!" Dude seriously, if you're trying to show a live, strong heartbeat, at least don't make it a ventricular rhythm with a wide QRS complex! Bad news, baby, bad news.
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