We've gone to a couple dog parks around Seattle, and it seems to be a really good thing for her. She's letting strangers approach her without cowering (usually) and has started playing with the other dogs. She cracks me up because she'll engage another dog to play and then spaz out when he chases her around. When she's chased, she runs to my side and cowers. What did she expect? However, she will snap at other dogs when they bother her too much instead of rolling over on her back and hoping they go away.
On the separation anxiety front, she's making baby steps. The vet did a thorough exam and she checks out fine. The behaviorist is confident that she's capable of being alone while I'm at work, but they both agree that the time frame is a bit of an unknown. So armed with Prozac, Valium, a decked out back of the car (think bar and lounge doggy style), and some really understanding friends, we're taking it day by day. As long as I can find people to watch her while I work (hey! that means you!), I'll keep working with her. She's costing an arm and a leg and I hate to say that money is the limiting factor here, but that's what it boils down to. I can't afford doggy daycare for the days and nights that I work.
I'll spare you the details, but I will say that the whole reason I'm writing this entry at midnight (night is for sleeping, remember?) is because she just spent thirty minutes by herself in the car without losing her marbles, destroying the car, or otherwise destroying herself! And then another ten minutes while I was in QFC! I can only leave the apartment for less than fifteen seconds, but she made it half an hour by herself in the car! I'll be able to keep her in the car while I work, so once we get to that time frame, we'll be in the clear.
I sound like a nutcase right now, but I'm clinging to any hope with her progress. I want to keep her more than you can imagine, and I will sleep better tonight knowing we're at least making progress :)
So here's another picture of my raggamuffin, anxious to play with the other dogs:

Good luck with your pup! Good thing you aren't in AZ where you couldn't keep her in the car. She's lucky to have you. :)