Today at work was madness. We've had this streak of, dare I say peacefulness in the ICU, but now we're back to the usual.

My mom came to town for a short trip. I doubt I'll ever move back to the Midwest for any period of time, but I do miss my family. My sister took this picture near our house when she was out for Christmas:
And I ganked the following picture of Jeremy and Miki from Chris's Facebook. It really makes me smile :)

Gazza is doing better every day. We're still not out of the woods, but she inexplicably started retrieving tennis balls out of the water today at Magnuson. Something inside of her just clicked and I was so happy to see her really have fun playing. She and Tate, my cousin Katie's dog, just love playing together!
Having issues with the poop bags...
Katie and Tate last week.
Shortly before she spazzed out in the cold water.
As far as she'd go last week...
aw shucks. hey i love your polka dot boots! equally disconnected in thought... the pancakes made from the mix that both jeremy and i bought when we visited you have really made my mornings. yes, i brought the box with me to japan! and i'm rationing it out carefully. hotcake mix and maple syrup are so pricey out here. but mmmm... nothing better for a cold day.