I ran around Greenlake twice today, but settled in at a pace that worked out to an 11.5 minute mile. While I won't win any marathons, I'm proud because it was non-stop (5.8 miles) and I didn't even feel like collapsing. Interestingly, though, I wore my heart rate monitor and while it marks me as running in the high 50's when I sleep, it runs 90's to 110's while I'm awake. And my average running rate was 171! Yowzers! My leg feels a little worse for the wear, but I'm still moving around ok.
It has been cold lately, and this morning was no exception. It actually snowed the past two days! Even so, today is gorgeous. I nearly lost both my upper limbs to frostbite this morning. They're still thawing out! I've become used to the fact that while standing in one spot, it can be both sunny and raining on you. Also, you can look northeast to the Cascades and see clouds dumping snow, south and see a few puffy clouds, and west to the Olympics and see dark rainclouds- all while you're standing in the sun with a rainbow over your head. Seattle is cool that way :)
Like I mentioned before, the cherry blossoms are out in force, and a couple other trees have joined the explosion. There are a lot of these trees:

From now on, I will call them popcorn trees, and everytime I walk by them, I'll want to grab a handful of blossoms to munch on. These houses wanted to join the color explosion too:

I would possibly buy one of these condos based on color alone! My little Razor phone doesn't do it justice...
Gazza update: As I'm writing this, the beast is smiling in her sleep. Really. She's passed out in a sunbeam, twitching in her dreams, and smiling. I wonder if dogs perceive "smells" when they sniff in their sleep? Today she stayed home alone for forty minutes without freaking out- for the second time! Hooray! I remember when I couldn't even take a shower alone... A long way to go, but definite progress (I'm smiling now too).