Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sorry for the lack of postings. I've been preoccupied.

Work is good, but today was emotionally tough. I had been told numerous times that kids crash fast and can be more emotionally draining to work with but that only became reality for me today. They do and they are.

It didn't feel much like Easter today. I've been sleeping really well and woke up feeling fine, but it just didn't feel like Easter. It was cold and rainy (analagous to the happenings in the unit, actually). When I used up the remaining light outside with Gazza this evening, it had cleared up and was very pretty out. Actually, what does Easter feel like?

Gazza was great this evening. I wanted nothing more than to spend the evening with my immediate family for a variety of reasons, but the fuzzy mutt made me feel better with her goofy smiles, rabbit jumps, and snoring :)

Check out this kid's videos on YouTube. He's amazing.

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