Monday, July 21, 2008

Here comes the sun!

I will have a pity party once on here then I'll get over it: I'm on nights for another month. I was planning on transferring to days for a while, but they decided to keep me on nights for the whole two months. *sigh* It's what I agreed to, but I had gotten my hopes up (and made plans) when I was told I'd be on days. Oh well. At least it's not forever and at least the people are cool!

With that in mind, I'll just give one big ol' apology on here to all my friends, etc for being sketchy when it comes to doing things. When the mood and ability to sleep hits, I'm all over it. Most of you have seen me sleep deprived and it ain't a pretty sight. More importantly, it's not a safe sight. So yes, I am in fact sleeping (or awake, for that matter) at the most random, unpredictable times! Suck it up ('cause I am too). I'll resurface at the end of August.

Now that we're all clear about that, how about this weather and the sunsets we've been having? 


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