So there are four Wendy's in the ICU's- three nurses and a specialist. I've never seen so many Wendy's in one place! I mean, there were three Wendy's
with my last name registered at ASU, but only one of them was actually physically at school when I was there. Interestingly, she was a professor in the English department and I thoroughly enjoyed reading her students' frantic pleas for extentions. Students are very creative in their excuses! After a while, I was getting way too many of those emails and decided only to redirect the honest sounding ones. I'm pretty sure I was docked charmic
brownie points for it, but I'm at peace. If they can't bother to read the syllabus closely it's not my fault!
Anyway, back to work. In addition to all the Wendy's, there are also, I think, three Brookes. So no matter which name I use, my destiny appears to be working here. And since I just finished orientation, that's probably a good thing. But lest I get all full of myself, the head Wendy made it clear that she's Wendy #1 and I'm Wendy #2. It's all good :)
Also, I
still think this is cool:
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