Gazza has been so good with the whole nights thing. She pokes Dee awake a few times a night then pads quietly back to my bed to sleep. She still sleeps all day with me and doesn't seem to mind (she stays on the bed snoozing by choice), but she's also been at some park or another every day too. So I'm calling it a success. A few fun ones from our recent forays:
A few things on my mind lately...
We're getting really crafty this summer. Artsy-crafty, that is. We're both making quilts- something I swear each time I finish one that I'll never do again. I'll let you all see when and if I ever finish this time consuming project. Also, we've gotten into pottery painting. They charge an arm and a leg here (surprised?), but it's good for my mushy brain on my days off. Plus we like listening to and making fun of the people who come and paint next to us. My theory is that people are so engrossed with their work and relaxed that conversations with friends just flow. It's just that they forget they are a mere two feet from other painters and we can hear every word they say.
I was/am entertaining the idea of buying a home. The money I'm spending on rent is ludicrous, and my lease is up in September. Don't get me wrong, I love my place, but it's not the best financial situation to be in. The mortgage and real estate work has been educational and mostly fun, but it's not looking too promising for the immediate future either. I find it amusing that the two cities I'm most seriously considering fall at opposite ends of the rent vs. own spectrum (according to MSN). The Seattle area is best to rent in, while the Pittsburgh housing market is best to buy in. I could make a good case for both cities at this point, but I'm committed here for a bit. Besides, for all its shortcomings, I like Seattle a lot.
That said, I have an idea. But I have to ask Mom and Dad first ;)
Again, I apologize for the meager updates, but don't expect me to update out of obligation- I'm not that sorry!
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