Tonight was my last night doing evenings (day doing evenings?). Come Sunday, it's back to nights for me. *sigh* I'm really actually feeling better every day (more peppy and happy and such), so I feel all strong-ish and ready to take on the night, but I know it'll slowly eat away at my soul again. Or maybe just my body and mind, but you know...
Some randomness I felt compelled to note:
Evel Knievel died today. The only things I really know about him are from Brian Regan and short clips floating around the internet, but I still feel some sort of loss. He was a daredevil of yore, complete with the cool cape and all.
I got Zach's newest musical self-portrait today. It actually makes me happier that maybe is warranted, but I've listened to an old one for years and love it. This new one is good so far- seeing as how the first song is by Amos Lee, I would expect no less. Thanks, Zach! I think the whole idea of a yearly music self-portrait is actually a good one. I am retarded when it comes to self-awareness and expression, and music has helped me a lot in this regard. Alternatively, you could go all superdork and just write a book about your life (otherwise known as an autobiography...) like Ben and I did.
I took this picture the other day at
Gas Works Park with my cousin Katie. Somebody had done this to all the bricks around the sundial at the top, and it made me happy. Sort of reminds me of my brain this week:

I live a short walk away from the park and it's my favorite view of Seattle at night. As per Wikipedia, the park "contains remnants of the sole remaining coal gasification plant in the US." Coal gasification. *snerk* Gas Works is perhaps my favorite park of all time. I like the kite hill, the grassy field for frisbee, the cool old buildings and structures, the views, and the famous Gasworks Kite Shop just up the road. I could do without the creepy bums who lurk in the boiler and pump house, but such is the price of such an awesome park.
One last lighthearted picture from home this past week:

I'm a scrooge when it comes to work clothes. I refuse to spend more money that absolutely necessary on clothes that are going to get all MRSAfied, VREed, and CDiffed. The scrub tops we had to use in nursing school are actually good quality, so I set about pulling out the "College of Nursing" stitching when I was at home. Not sure it was worth the effort but ah well. I seriously contemplated leaving it like this to see what remarks it would get, but in the end Mom gave the thumbs down.