She is perfectly well-behaved on the leash- no tugging, barking, or craziness. In fact, I had her run alongside my bike this morning around Greenlake a few times so that she'd be too tired to complain when I left her alone for errands. Except for a few birds that caught her attention, she did fabulously!
She waits for me to go through doors first, patiently waits for her food, lets me rub and position her however, and is just a mellow dog through and through. However, the first night she let out a soft whine and was comforted by my voice. A while later she did it again because I think she was cold from still being a little damp. I had to convince her it was ok to get on the bed and under the covers, and then she slept like a baby. Last night we did the same thing only not under the covers because she got hot. This morning when I got up, she was splayed out next to me fast asleep... and hogging the bed.
I think I may have created a monster.

In other news, it appears that the Griswold family has taken up residence next door:

The other neighbors, a church, has a boys choir performing Christmas music tonight. It's actually very pretty, but it has this eerie quality by the time it makes it up the street and down the alley to my window. It's growing on me, though. I almost wish they did it more often because it makes the neighborhood feel a bit more like a community.
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