Dee and I were superdorks growing up and used to quiz each other on states and capitals over dinner with our varied map placemats. Apparently food wasn't entertaining enough. Ah the foolishness of youth! While spending time in Hawaii, we acquired personalized placemats with all sorts of fish on them- perfect for I Spy! (Ha! You'll never guess that I'm referring to the pink dot on the dorsal fin!) There must have been some sort of Hawaiian theme going on because we ended up with "Wenikio" and "Kalikio." I know, commence with the groaning. Out of curiosity, I Googled the name and discovered that it doesn't exist in the world of Google! In fact when I first did it, I inadvertently (and successfully) Google-whacked! Now, however, I am singlehandedly populating the results of "wenikio" on Google. The Google-whacking glory was shortlived.

So there you have it.
Pretty picture :)