I was telling myself for the millionth time that I'm truly an embarassment to the state of Alaska and then reminded myself for the millionth time that since we moved when I was nine, I can be forgiven this abomination. But seriously, even in Arizona I was frequently cold. I justified it by the fact that people cranked the a/c in the summer and we did get frost (sometimes) on winter nights, but I think it's time I was honest with myself- I really don't have any temperature regulation.
As I put the cookies in the oven just now and the heat wave hit me, I had to laugh. It reminded me of a winter evening in the Erie house (AKA the blue house). We probably had a heater but more likely didn't have the money to run it. Either way, we spent that Arizona evening in front of the oven, basking in its heat. Given that we were from Michigan, Indiana, and Iowa, I think this is particularly shameful. That oven was right below the cupboard from which beastly cockroaches would scurry out. In fact, I think the cupboard might even bear a shoe mark from when Sarah threw her shoe at a notably sized roach. *shudder* I had nightmares for months. Give me snakes, spiders, cats, or rats- shoot, give me all of them at once!- just keep those horrid things away from me!
Speaking of cooking in the oven, one of the few times I've ever cooked an actual meal was in the Erie house. Let me tell you, it was nothing to write home about. Actually, it sort of was but only in the I-nearly-burned-down-the-house-but-at-least-I-smoked-out-any-small-vermin sort of way.
And you wonder why I don't cook. It's for the good of the neighborhood, people! Think of the children!
SO, what I hear you saying here is that you are hosting the next Thursday night dinner? hahaha