The bad news- it's too much to expect a dog to be perfect, and I found Gaza's issue. She has major separation anxiety. When I came home Christmas morning, she had chewed through the heavy-duty plastic crate and had bent the hinges of the metal door! She was frantic and looked awful when I walked in. It broke my heart :( The breeder, vet, and I are trying to figure out what to do so that she doesn't hurt herself. I know she'll get used to it and end up just sleeping while I work at night, but the transition is tough. I gave her some xanax (per the vet) and made her sleep out of sight last night when I stayed home. She seemed to do ok, and tolerated me being out for fifteen minutes at a time. We'll see how tonight goes. I know she can do it.
And so I leave you with a picture from Christmas Eve at work. I bring you... Megan with her amazing flashing (mangled) candycane headband! Wee! Merry Christmas!

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