I think the only thing cooler than playing number games with the clock is looking at the pictures time makes (thanks to Chris). Ok, well maybe not the coolest thing, but pretty close to it :)
I think today was supposed to wind up our stretch of beautiful, sunny days. It's been so nice! Gazza and I walked around Greenlake today with her fancy schmancy new doggie pack. If I do say so myself, she looked pretty awesome with it! She had a good time, and then Katie came and took her around again while I went off to work. I think she's pretty tired. She likes Katie and her cats, too, so she had a good day. Even so, it's sure nice to dive under the covers tonight with her at my feet :)
Note to self: the pooch will do almost anything for a croissant or a sprinkle sugar cookie (I hear another poem coming on....). Seriously, now this is a dog after my own heart!