Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Clogging the drain with woodchips

When I get nasty notes about my inhumain (sic) treatment of Gazza, I'm going to start setting the record straight. Because not only do I torture the poor beast in the car, I also try to drown her in my shower routinely.

Again, a joke. She needed to be cleaned and rather than try to scramble out tooth and claw like any normal dog, she slumped her shoulders and looked down dejectedly. It would be funny if it didn't make me feel like a horrible person. Around some people, she's really shy and slinks around and tucks her tail. I feel bad because of course that makes them feel like bad people. I know she'll gain more confidence in people as time passes (in fact, she already has quite a bit!), but it'll take time, time, time.

I suppose, as they say, the beatings, drownings, and car inprisonments will have to continue until confidence improves.

Actually, for the benefit of those who haven't been privy to the whole ordeal with Gazza, I will say this for you once and then continue on with the joking. In all seriousness, Gazza has a major separation anxiety issue. She can't be home alone because she panics and hurts herself. I mean that as literally as possible. There's something about the car where she is ok. She howls sometimes, but she's eating, drinking, playing with her toys, and sleeping. If that's the worst that happens, we'll call it good (but still try to stop it, obviously). Of course I come out to let her go to the bathroom, fetch the ball, and cuddle with me every few hours.

I'm over feeling badly about it because when we don't make it to the dogpark, which is nearly every day, we are at Greenlake, hiking, or on the BG Trail. And she sleeps with me on the bed. So, no, we're both pretty lucky to have each other. This is to say, I joke about her horrible life because she's actually quite the mellow, active, happy dog now.

Changing topics here, I have a special favor to ask. Those of you who are the praying types (and even if you're not), please send some good ones for my friend Jonathan. He has a special place in my heart, and his family is facing a nasty cancer battle.

1 comment:

  1. you should leave a note for that person that says "if you can't spell correctly, you shouldn't be leaving nasty notes." i like the bathtub pic!!
