Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fork fluffing

I'm generally a pretty imaginative person. Not as in artsy imaginative, but if you tell me something, I'm constructing the image of what you're saying in my mind. I think in pictures. Sometimes I think that's why my communication is sub-par. If you could "see" my mind instead of "read" it, my world (and those of you involved) might be a better place.

Anyway, where was I going with this? Ah yes. I've also become somewhat of a connoisseur of Trader Joe's recipe of the day. Or week. Whatever it is. Today's was really good, so like the good consumer I am, I bought the stuff. So as I'm here making my couscous and beans, I read the instructions for the couscous (Yes, couscous requires directions). At the end, it directs, "fluff with a fork and serve warm." Fluff with a fork? As mentioned above, I'm pretty visual, but I had some difficulty putting "fluff" and "fork" in the same sentence. I know what they're getting at, but maybe with a spoon instead?

And lo, here is my fork-fluffed, two-pot-use supper. A masterpiece in my own mind:

1 comment:

  1. wow, how delicately those beans float on a bed of couscous. i admire your fluffing skills.
