1. Have you ever gone mudding?
No, but I know people that have/do
2. Have you ever lived on a dirt or gravel road?
Yes if a cabin counts
3. Ever been swimming in a lake or river?
Of course
4. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Yes, best kind of party :)
5. Have you ever driven a tractor?
We owned a John Deere
6. Have you ever been on a horse?
Many times. Wish I did it more often now.
7. Chevy or Ford or Dodge?
Not personally but in the family, yes.
8. Kissed someone in a pick up?
I would say my brother (his pick up) but that sounds waaaaaaaay too Appalachian hick. Sick. Come on, though, a kiss goodbye? On the cheek?
9. What's your favorite country song?
Tough. Garth Brooks- Standing Outside the Fire
10. Ever done 90 miles per hour down a dirt road?
Faster on a desert road, but not on a dirt road, no.
11. Worked or Lived on a farm?
12. Been to a rodeo?
Horse shows, county fairs, and 4H, but no rodeo
13. Do you own cowboy boots?
No but always looking
14. Do you have a cowboy hat?
15. Have you ever said Git-R-Done?
If I'm joking around
16. Country skylines or a city skyline?
Country but Chicago's skyline from Lake Michigan is really great (my picture, thankyouverymuch!)
17. Can you name a rodeo star??
Not a one
18. Do you think tractors are sexy
No and I detest that song
19. Ever rode a 4-wheeler?
Many times. I want one
20. Are you from the country?
Depends on who is asking, but I don't consider myself from the country, no
21. If so, are you proud of it?
I am proud of where I'm from (wherever that is anyway)
22. Gone hunting?
Gun range, desert and trap shooting but no hunting. Would if the chance came up though
23. Gone fishing?
24. Is your heart in Dixie?
More on the Mason side
25. Been on a hayride?
Overrated but still fun. Hand check!
26. Have you ever line danced?
Sadly the only dance I know!
27 is missing.
28. Do you drive a pick up truck?
No. Second choice
29. Fell asleep in a haystack?
Too scratchy
30. Own a pair of overalls?
31. Drank Moonshine?
You would all know if it had ever happened
32. Include the word "yonder" in your daily vocabulary?
Not daily...
33. Ever shoveled manure?
Horse, yes
34. Milked a cow?
35. Plucked a chicken?
36. Is sweet tea your favorite drink?
Apple cider
37. Been to a race?
What kind of a race?
38. Have you ever made out in a back of a pick up truck?
No but watching the desert sky from one was probably one of the more romantic dates I've been on! (Jeez, does my score automatically double for that one?)
39. Do you currently own a sleeping bag & tent?
Uh, yes...
40. Have you ever skinny dipped?
Yes, but I don't think that makes you a hick

I am awesome.
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