(is this legal to post if I'm giving them credit?)
It reminded me of an awesome trip we took when I was at ASU: Zion National Park. We didn't get a permit for the Narrows until a day after we got there, so we climbed Angel's Landing and stuffed as many people as we could in the trunk to kill time. Four, in case you are wondering.
Jess and I were the only ones who crept inch by inch up the this sheer drop off. It was really neat. As we sat there, causing some other people a bit of anxiety, we chatted about heights. We decided it's not that we're depressed, it's just that we have this curiosity about what it would be like to jump. I bet it would be a total rush. That was when I decided that if I had to choose a way to go (oh come on, like you've never thought about it or at least been asked), that was how I'd go. I'd climb up Angel's Landing and swan dive!

What can I say? I've always had a thing for heights!

Some other random Zion photos because it was really fun :)

Starting out. Did you know you have to walk through cow pastures to get to some of the greatest slot canyons in the Southwest?

An interesting hole in the rock wall with a log wedged inside.

Rock monkeys.

Over or under- that is the question.

My first memory of Steff. Besides the leaky poop bag, I mean.

One of my favorite photos ever.


It really does make you feel insignificant (in a good way).

Colin hiked the Narrows with one leg??

...and then back to school.
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