Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My only means of portable music at the present time

It's a pretty day out, though not what I would call warm, so I decided to push myself this morning and go for a run on the BG Trail. Within twenty yards, my kneecap was cracking and popping all over the place, so I settled for a cold walk hoping things would pop back into place (this is the dance I go through at random intervals if I'm running much). I felt sort of silly walking in my running clothes while obviously cold but reminded myself that nobody was really looking anyway.

Then I realized they were looking at me. Not casual glances as they biked/ran by but purposeful looks. I ran through the quick list (Something on my face? Toilet paper on my shoe? Plumber's crack perhaps?), but nothing came to mind. Just then a flash of yellow caught the corner of my eye:

Ah yes. When I was seven years old, we all got Walkmans for Christmas (I believe the same Christmas I thought batteries were an amazing present as well). Mine has survived through every conceivable test a kid could put it through and outlived numerous other tape, CD, and mp3 players. It plays perfectly, and the only signs of wear are scuffs that rubbed off my initials that had been Magic Markered on (yes, I just verbed that) and the small, red bungee cord holding the clear front part on. It's clunky, yellow, and has a bungee cord around it- is it any wonder people are looking?

Most of the people on this part of the BG Trail are associated with UW, so there are a lot of students and a number of professors. That being the case, I find it amusing that this Walkman is older than the most of the students! Conversely, most of the professors remember when Walkmans were new, and a few have actually commented on mine. It's a good conversation piece when I'm not freezing or gasping for air!

Incidentally, there's a unique market for these things! Does it make me retrohip?

Just for fun, I saw this at a park the other day on a run and it made me smile :)

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