Saturday, February 28, 2009

The rumors are true...

...I'm engaged! Hopefully that explains the hiatus.

I'm not sure how this will affect Wanderings with Wenikio because while The Beast doesn't mind personal details on the web and I know exactly what I'm putting out there, I doubt the addition will want much broadcast. I consider him gracious enough to put up with my klutziness in front of other people, so why tempt fate, eh? Hang tight as I figure it out- though it's hardly like many strangers read this repository of ramblings anyway... 

In the spirit of details, I have two major names to add to the blog. Since part of this whole getting hitched thing will include a move across the country (nearly three thousand miles!), a city pseudonym will have to be established. And for the really difficult one- my little family of Wenikio and The Beast is expanding, and the new member needs a name. Suggestions?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Could you give us a moment?

This picture pretty well sums up most of our evenings. 

The Beast and I like to cuddle.

Monday, February 23, 2009

So this mime walks into the Space Needle...

On my way home from downtown the other day, I was stopped at a light in front of the Seattle Center (also in front of the KOMO 4 station which, for you Grey's Anatomy fans, plays the front facade of Seattle Grace Hospital). It was one of those beautiful Seattle winter days with blue skies, a chilly breeze, and people optimistically wearing shorts and sandals (with socks of course). 

(sorry, I couldn't help it...)

Anyway, as the red light was nearing its end, I noticed two men scurrying across the crosswalk. About the time it dawned on me what they were wearing, I also noticed one was tying his shoe... only he had slip-on loafers. They were mimes! And they were giving us an impromptu show in the crosswalk! I started laughing as they stumbled over imaginary boulders and carried on conversations with the air, pretending to drop things and smiling at us.

As a general rule, Seattleites don't honk their car horns. Instead, they generally give a dour look and go all passive-aggressive, flipping the bird under the dashboard. Glancing at the cars around me, though, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself laughing along with all the other drivers as well. 

It was fun :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A thought

We've had a few beautiful days in the past weeks. Oddly enough, the weather here doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would, but that's not to say I don't appreciate the breaks as much as the next person. 

It's funny how on those days the world seems new. The colors seem more vibrant. The people seem more social. The views are even more breathtaking. And the smells- the smells are more invigorating and memory-laden for me. Those are the days I love Seattle so much it feels like my heart might burst.

For me, the weeks (though perhaps not too many weeks) are worth these rare days of beauty.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Just checkin' in

In case you haven't noticed from the dearth of postings (or at least any of substance), I'm still a bit preoccupied. Patience, gentle readers, patience. While it's a virtue I don't have in abundance, I'm going to ask you to practice. 

It'll be worth the wait :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun with fortune telling

There's a book, Fortune-telling Book of Names. When I flipped to my name this past weekend, I found this:

Sadly it's really hard to read. So allow me: "A deep love will forever change your life."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh come on, it's at least a little funny!

To some, they may just be Wellies. But to the truly cool among us, my dog park boots are known as Whalies. *snerk*

Gorgeous day yesterday in Seattle...

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Where's Frank?"

She does this head tilt when I ask her a question. When I tell her "I'll be back" her head practically does a 180. It cracks me up every time. And did you notice her mohawk? I'm super impressed with the height!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A day in the life of Gazza

Swim hard:

Sleep hard:

I'd like to tell you she was just stretching, but no, she was sound asleep...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh, and happy valentine's day!

I went on a little trip down to Florida last week. Especially since I'm out of commission at work, it's good timing! On the plane ride back, I indulged in my favorite sugary snack of possibly all time- cinnamon bears! It was a full flight from Atlanta with, I kid you not, only two empty seats that I could find... one of which was the one next to me. I luxuriated for nearly four hours in the relative spaciousness and the company of my cinnamon bears.

Please note part of the amazing removable cast and the undersock. Also, did you notice the green stowaway?

Friday, February 13, 2009


A short update for the curious: the xray last week showed two fractures on the radial head. Fortunately the removable cast still stays. Looking at my wrist when I take it out to clean still makes me a bit squeamish, but it appears that everything is healing well. I'm going to try work on Saturday. Cross your fingers (because I still can't). 

Also, you should be impressed with my one-handed typing skillz. I am.


If the bottle of dressing says use by February 13, 2009 and it's February 12th, is it still ok to use? 

What about if it was opened six months prior?

In which the mozzerella cheese became bleu cheese

I cleaned out the freezer today as part of my cooking endeavor (read: graduating from three step microwave cooking to three step oven cooking. I'm genuinely proud of myself). I found a lasagna I'd made with my grandma as part of a batch meant to use on days where a homemade lasagna would hit the spot. 

Of course, that was a good eight months ago. I consider this fact a true testament to my will power. Every time I'd look at it, I'd think, "boy that would taste really good tonight, but I should really save it for a night when I really need it." Sadly, I realize those nights were usually ones where I'd get Ivar's or Dick's. What little culinary pride I have left says, "well you ate four out of the five dishes made, so it's not that bad." And then I tell myself that, yes, actually it is that bad. *sigh*

Where was I going with this again? Ah yes, the eight month old lasagna. Since it was covered only with tin foil, I had expected it to be a bit dry, but perhaps desiccated might be a better description. Worse yet, it had mold on it. The frozen lasagna had mold on it. Huh. And here I was thinking that sort of thing was limited to ice algae.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Not my words either

Though not written by her, I'm posting this poem from 6YearMed's blog because, well, it's worth a read:

I wish I could take language
And fold it like cool, moist rags.
I would lay words on your forehead.
I would wrap words on your wrists.
“There, there,” my words would say-
Or something better.
I would ask them to murmur,
“Hush” and “Shh, shh, it’s all right.”
I would ask them to hold you all night.
I wish I could take language
And daub and soothe and cool
Where fever blisters and burns,
Where fever turns yourself against you.
I wish I could take language
And heal the words that were the wounds
You have no names for.

Words For It
Julia Cameron

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gone the way of the dinosaur

Has anybody else noticed that hood ornaments are not nearly as common anymore? In my mind it's a good thing because I think the whole concept is a bit funny to begin with, but I suppose part of me thinks it's kind of sad. 

Of course, that's the same part of me that finds the passing of "car phones" sad....