Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Aside from the fact that going pantless is generally frowned upon

My car says it's 107 degrees outside and you ask me why I have jeans on?

First, although it feels like 107, my brain assures me that it's not. It's only eighty-seven degrees with 68% humidity.

Second, it's much too uncomfortable to be outside for any length of time (for me anyway). So all I need to do is make it to the car and back without melting (excluding the time it takes for the a/c to work... not actually too long). People compensate for the heat and humidity by cranking down the indoor temps, so I prefer to avoid the chills indoors. Yes, that means I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt while carrying a sweatshirt in all this heat.

And that, Mr. Nosey pants is why I have pants on!


  1. I'm the biggest hot weather whimp, so I can feel your pain! Hang in there, and thank God for a/c :-)

  2. Yes, I spend most of the day worshipping the a/c, I mean God ;) And I bet right now you are especially feeling my pain! I have a friend here who is seven months along and she is miserable :p
