Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Holy moly! In less than three days, Dad's blog has received visits from Columbia, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Hungary, Brazil, Canada, and Hong Kong! Maybe I should start posting on supercub.org too...

More importantly, happy birthday Dad!

1 comment:

  1. The burgers were good,
    no doubt about it.
    I cooked them myself
    So I guess I can flaunt it.

    One thing could be better
    While the meat does sear,
    If my western daughter
    Were a bit more near.

    Thanks for b-day greetings
    Though we did not talk.
    But I'll see you tonight
    for our Green Lake walk!

    Let's take the dogs,
    Let them get in some licks.
    And after we're done,
    Some Spud's fish 'n chips.
