Gazza got some well deserved ball chasing between Golden Gardens and Carkeek park today (I learned that it's actually owned by the railroad and it's perfectly legal to let the dogs run leashless). Me? I plopped my tired body down in the sand to drink in the sun and Gatorade. Did you know that you can subsist on nothing
but Gatorade for four days? I finally felt the first stirrings of hunger this afternoon and came back to try some solid food. It appears the danger is past and I'm eating toast with peanut butter (no cottage cheese... yet). In case you hadn't heard, salmonella is not my idea of fun. Whew. Good diet, though.
Mom and Dad are in Alaska right now. They're spending several weeks up there with Nicholas meeting up with old friends and exploring old haunts. Nicholas, the only true Sourdough of the family, gets to check out his roots. He was born in the same hospital Mom and Dad worked in. Should be a pretty awesome trip- I'm super jealous! We'll get all the pictures and stories, though, so that should be amusing :)
And of course, Happy Father's Day, Captain/Sir/Doc/Daddy Monster/Dad! We love you (and the white hairs we gave you too)!
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