Friday, October 10, 2008

In which I have fun with italics

The dog has kennel cough. First of all, she got the vaccination! Secondly, we were at the vet yesterday for her yearly checkup and she was just fine! So here we sit, not camping in the Cascades. Instead I am serenaded by the fire tonight by the soft melody of her hacking up a lung and throwing up. And that's with the narcotics (cough suppressant). *sigh* I wouldn't trade her for the world, though... Beast though she is, she's my beast.

So I have a question to pose. Regardless of how you all usually respond (email, in person, comments, whatever), I'd like to hear your thoughts. So here: we didn't curse in our family growing up. I mean, as kids we obviously didn't, but neither did our parents that I can remember. I know sometimes it seems only such a word will do, and I take advantage of that too. I notice pretty much every time one comes up, though, and don't usually care for it, but so it goes- they're just words. But really, how do you guys feel when people use them frequently? Do you even notice? And girls, is it a turn off when guys do that? I feel like it's really obnoxious and rude. Ready? Set? Discuss.

1 comment:

  1. Similar state for my sister and I growing up, though she and I fell off that wagon round 14 years of age; come to think of it, I don't think either of us gotten back on. Nothing like ending a SoCal day on the porch with some fine herb, a quality 750ml of Belgian style beer, and a copy of De vulgaria eloquentia ;)

    Since, in many ways, language is a construct of shared experience, profane language is a necessary part of it. However, as with anything else lending itself to overuse, it can become annoying. In my opinion, this is a great take on the topic:
