Monday, October 27, 2008

More shower stories!

I'm as big a proponent of shaving lets as the next woman (I think?). I mean, not every day and certainly not as often in the winter (TMI?), but in general I think it's good form. Call me a societal lemming or what have you, but it's the conclusion I've reached.

That said, in the process of shaving your legs, has it occurred to anyone else how odd it is that we scrape razors across the length of our legs in the name of being hairless? In fact, it struck me as rather absurd the more I thought about it.

1 comment:

  1. I know it's gross to admit...but I only shave my legs 3-4 times a year. Usually when it involves wearing a skirt/dress (but in my defense, I do shave under the arms twice-weekly).
    It is weird, using a razor to scrape hair off our legs!
