Sunday, August 30, 2009

a little of this, a little of that

Ok, so unless you want to hear complaining, I don't have much to blog about at the moment. I'm quite frankly feeling close to miserable. I'm exhausted, achy, and can't stop coughing. It's compounded by guilt over not working yet again. A lot of people are sick on the ship, actually. Apparently something particularly nasty is going around the ship. Our poor nurse manager is scrambling to staff each shift, and nurses who aren't out with the bug are pitching in extra shifts. Keep them in your prayers, especially our manager Frankie- she must be afraid to ask people how they're feeling anymore!

On a somewhat humorous note at someone else's expense, I saw something pretty funny the other day. Some unfortunate souls seem to have inherited cases of bedbugs. There's a spray for it and everything gets laundered, but I guess some of it has persisted. I know, I count myself as very lucky. So I walked into a friend's cabin the other day to find her spritzing her mattress, both top and bottom sides, with something. It was a small bottle for such a large task, so I couldn't help but ask what it was.

You gotta give her points for creativity. And major points for not permanently setting up camp in the library or common rooms. Bravo, my friend!

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