Friday, August 14, 2009

Living vicariously through the others (pun definitely intended)

Today is a ship holiday thereby making this a holiday weekend. The thing is nobody seems to be able to tell me what exactly the holiday is celebrating or memorializing. Regardless,the crew is spending the weekend in the manner of three day weekenders everywhere- getting out of town or going camping.

My reflex is to say, "aww, I wanted to go camping too...." In this case, that's not quite the case, though. See, while I'm covered for malaria with doxy now, I still have a (perhaps irrational) fear of malaria that is further compounded by the fact that mosquitoes love me. Yes, DEET is pretty effective, but I also have a (somewhat less irrational) fear of seizures and rubbing something onto my skin that melts rayon, synthetic, leather, and spandex clothing... even though spandex should be melted.

So call me lame and a 'fraidy cat and I'll just nod my head in agreement as I lay here stuck on the couch with a bum back and peeping through my fingers at the latest scary Lost episode.

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